tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet
Tmux is a terminal multiplexer. It creates a host server on your server and connects to it with a client window. If the client is disconnected, the server keeps running. One can reattach to the tmux session and the files, processes and general activity that you were working with will still be active.
Command mode is enable via a prefix ctrl+b
Startup and Sessions:
tmux ls # lists sessions
tmux attach -t 0 # attaches to session 0
tmux ls | grep : | cut -d. -f1 | awk '{print substr($1, 0, length($1)-1)}' | xargs kill # kills all sessions
prefix + :new # creates new session
prefix + s # lists sessions
prefix + $ # renames session
prefix + ( # switch to previous session
prefix + ) # switch to next sesssion
prefix + d # detach
prefix + ? # list shortcuts
prefix + D # gives you a list of connected clients, and which ever you select is disconnected
prefix + q # briefly flashes pane numbers in each pane
Panes (splits):
prefix + % # vertical split
prefix + " # horizontal split
prefix + :splitw -hb # horizontal split, placed before current pane (ie: left side)
prefix + :splitw -bf # full width pane, on top of window with a vertical split
prefix + :splitw -fh # full width pane, on right side of window with a horizontal split
prefix + :splitw -t 2 # splits pane number 2 vertically
prefix + o # swap panes
prefix + x # kill pane
prefix + :respawn-pane -k # respawn the pane (kill/restart shell)
prefix + + # break pane into window (e.g. to select text by mouse to copy)
prefix + - # restore pane from window
prefix + space # toggle between layouts
prefix + q # Shows pane numbers, when the numbers show up type the key to goto that pane
prefix + arrows # Navigates between panes
prefix + ALT + arrows # resizes active pane
prefix + z # toggle pane zoom (repeat to unzoom)
prefix + 'setw synchronize-panes' # sync panes
Windows (tabs):
prefix + c # create window
prefix + w # list windows
prefix + n # next window
prefix + p # previous window
prefix + 0-9 # Switch to a window using index number
prefix + f # find window
prefix + , # name window
prefix + & # kill window
Copy mode:
prefix + [ # enables copy mode
prefix + ] # pastes copied buffer
(prefix + 'setw -g mode-keys vi' # vi mode)
With this option set, we can use h, j, k, and l
to move around buffer. To get out of Copy mode, just press the ENTER
key. Use w
to jump to the next word and b
to jump back one word, and f
, followed by any character, to jump to that character on the same line, and F
to jump backwards on the line.
Function vi emacs
---------------------- -------- -------
Back to indentation ^ M-m
Clear selection Escape C-g
Copy selection Enter M-w
Cursor down j Down
Cursor left h Left
Cursor right l Right
Cursor to bottom line L
Cursor to middle line M M-r
Cursor to top line H M-R
Cursor up k Up
Delete entire line d C-u
Delete to end of line D C-k
End of line $ C-e
Goto line : g
Half page down C-d M-Down
Half page up C-u M-Up
Next page C-f Page down
Next word w M-f
Paste buffer p C-y
Previous page C-b Page up
Previous word b M-b
Quit mode q Escape
Scroll down C-Down or J C-Down
Scroll up C-Up or K C-Up
Search again n n
Search backward ? C-r
Search forward / C-s
Start of line 0 C-a
Start selection Space C-Space
Transpose chars C-t
Other useful hints:
export TERM="xterm-256color" # Vim doesn't detect that the terminal supports 256 colors because tmux's default TERM is screen
:source-file ~/.tmux.conf # If you have made changes to your tmux configuration file in the ~/.tmux.conf file, it shouldn’t be necessary to start the server up again from scratch with kill-server. Instead, you can prompt the current tmux session to reload the configuration with the source-file command
For more references, check this out.